Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English
ledolgoz (munkaidőt): to work
ledorongol: to excoriate, to squelch, to squash
ledorongol vkit: to settle sy's hash
ledorongolás: excoriation, knock, squelch
ledorongoló: repulsive
ledorongoló kritikus: knocker
ledózerol: to bulldoze
ledöbbent: to floor, to psych sy out, to throw, threw, thrown
ledöf: palpability, to stab
ledöf vkit: to get one's knife into sy
ledöglik: to doss down, to hit the hay, to hit the sack
ledől: have a nap, to crash down, to doss down, to topple
ledöngöl: to tamp, to ram down
ledöngölt: stamped
ledönt: to cut down, to overthrow, -threw, -thrown
Ci si serve del ridicolo quando si ha la ragione contro. (Thomas Jefferson)
Il proverbio...
(In nullo avarus bonus est, in se pessimus) Verso nessuno l'avaro č buono, meno ancora verso se stesso! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)
Saggezza orientale...
Il cammino verso la realizzazione del sč richiede di abbandonare il superfluo