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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

lerohad: to balk, to conk out, to pack up
lerohan: to blitz, to bound downstairs, to tear down
lerohanás: blitz, blast
lerombol: to knock down, to tear down, to break down
lerombolás: pulling down, destruction, demolition
leromlás: failure, ageing
leromlik: to fail
leromlott: run-down
lerongyolódott: to be down at heels, out at heels
leront: to deteriorate, to debase
lerontás: deterioration
leroskad: to flop down
lerovatlan (adósság): uncleared
lerögzít: to make fast, to covenant, to pin down
lerögzítés: mooring, anchorage


L'aforisma... L'indeciso decide sempre il peggio.

Il proverbio... Fin a che non cantano le rane non riporre ne mantello ne lane....

Saggezza orientale... Tutti gli uomini si nutrono, ma pochi sanno distinguere i sapori. (Confucio)