Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English
letépés: laceration, pulling off
letéphető naptár: block calendar, tear-off calendar
letér: to turn off, to go off, to oblique
letér a helyes útról: to go wrong
letér a jó útról: to stray
letérdel: to go down on the knees, to get on the knees
leterít: to lay down, to cold-cock, to coldcock, to lay out
leterít (kártyákat): to show down
letérít vkit a nyomról: to throw sy off the track
leterítés: flooring
leterrorizál: to outface
letért a helyes útról: to be off the rails
letért az útról: to be off the track
létesít: to erect, to establish, to set up, to originate
létesítés: instituting, establishment, establishing, erection
Anche gli Dei si arrendono agli stupidi.(Schiller)
Il proverbio...
Tramontana che non pulisce piove che non fallisce....
Saggezza orientale...
Conosci meglio i tuoi limiti. Ascolta i tuoi timori. Alle volte t’impediscono di raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi, ma altre volte ti aiutano a non sbagliare