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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

meglapuló ember: lurker
meglapuló vad: squatter
meglassítja a termelést: to put a check on production
meglassítja lépteit: to slacken the pace
meglasszóz: to lasso
meglát: to spy, to espy, to spot, to perceive, to discern
meglátod: it'll do you no end of good
meglátogat: to see, saw, seen, to visit, to call on, to call
meglátogat vkit: to pay a call on sy, to drop by
meglátszanak a nyomai vkin: to tell upon sy, to tell on sy
meglazít: to slack, to slacken, to unstring, unstrung
meglazítás: relaxation
meglazul: to come loose, to work loose, to loose, to crank
meglazulás: stripping
meglazult: loose, unstrung


L'aforisma... Pochi vizi impediscono ad un uomo di avere tanti amici quanto l'avere troppe virtů.

Il proverbio... Per amore anche la donna onesta perde la testa.

Saggezza orientale... La felicitŕ piů grande non sta nel non cadere mai, ma nel risollevarsi sempre dopo una caduta. (Confucio)