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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

megmagyaráz vmit: to make sg clear
megmagyarázás: exposition
megmagyarázatlan: unexplained, unaccounted
megmagyarázhatatlan: unaccountable, irreducible, inexplicable
megmagyarázhatatlan módon: inexplicably
megmagyarázható: explicable, explainable
megmagyarázó: explanatory
megmakacsolja magát: to bristle up, to turn rusty, to balk, to jib
megmámorosodott: elated
megmar: to bite, bit, bitten
megmarad: to endure, to remain, to last, to abide
megmaradó: residuary, remaining, residual
megmaradt példányok: remainder, remainder line, remainders
megmarják: to get bitten
megmarkol: to grab, to clench, to seize, to grip


L'aforisma... Non voglio raggiungere l'immortalitŕ con le mie opere. Voglio raggiungerla non morendo. (Woody Allen)

Il proverbio... Tutti i nodi vengono al pettine.

Saggezza orientale... Non accontentarti di rimanere sulla riva ad osservare l'acqua che scorre, immergiti nel fiume