Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English
mi: what
mi a baja?: what's up with him?, what's wrong with him?
mi a célja?: what's his game?
mi a célod?: what are you aiming at?
mi a csoda?: what next?
mi a fene: what the blazes
mi a fenét csinálsz?: what the hell are you doing?
mi a foglalkozása?: what is his line?, what's your line?
mi a hasznom ebből?: where do I come in?
mi a helyzet: let's see how the land lies
mi a játék állása?: what's the score?
mi a manó!: cor blimey!, by the holy poker!
mi a ménkű!: cor blimey!
mi a mestersége?: what is his line?
mi a szakmája?: what's your line?, what is his line?
La logica č una forma di pigrizia mentale. (Marcello Marchesi)
Il proverbio...
Neve vecchia altra neve aspetta.... (Marche)
Saggezza orientale...
La comprensione e la saggezza si nutrono con le esperienze della vita quotidiana