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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

mi okból?: on what account?, on what score?
mi sem egyszerűbb: nothing could be simpler
mi sem könnyebb ennél: I could do it on my head
mi szél hozott erre?: where did you spring from?
mi tagadás: there is no gainsaying it
mi tagadás ez így van: there is no gainsaying it
mi tartott olyan sokáig?: what took you so long?
mi több: what is more
mi történik itt?: what's up?
mi történik?: what's on?, what's going down?
mi történt vele?: what's wrong with him?, what has happened to him?
mi újság?: what news?, what's up?
mi ütött bele?: what's got him?
mi ütött beléd?: what's amiss with you?
mi ütött beléje?: what has taken him?, what's bitten him?


L'aforisma... Nel cuore c'č sempre un amore che per colpa di un istante ci č sfuggito.

Il proverbio... (Bene perdas gaudium, ubi dolor pariter perit) E' bene perdere un'occasione di gioia se contemporaneamente scompare un dolore! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)

Saggezza orientale... L'apprendimento senza il pensiero č fatica sprecata. (Confucio)