Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English
mindazok akik: all those who
mindazonáltal: nonetheless, still, none the less, nevertheless
mindeddig: so far, as yet, up to now
mindegy: just the same, it's all one, it's all the same
mindegyik: every one, each
mindegyikünk: each and all of us, each of us, each one of us
mindegyikünk egy fontot keres: we earn one pound each, we each earn one pound
minden: all, each, max, everything, every
minden a feje tetején áll: everything is on the bum
minden adó közvetíti: nation-wide hook-up
minden aljassága ellenére: wicked and all as he was
minden alkalommal: at every turn, every time
minden áron: at all hazards
minden babért learat: to steal the show
minden bizonnyal: without fail, definitely, sure
L'importante non č avere tante idee, ma viverne una. (Ugo Bernasconi)
Il proverbio...
(Dies quod donat timeas: cito raptum venit) Temi per quanto un un giorno ti offre, velocemente un altro giorno te lo prterŕ via! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)
Saggezza orientale...
Vedere e ascoltare i malvagi č giŕ l'inizio della malvagitŕ. (Confucio)