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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

mindenfélét beképzel magának: to get ideas into one's head
mindenfelől: from all quarters, from all around, from all sides
mindenható: almighty, most high, all-powerful, omnipotent
mindenható név: name to conjure with
mindenhol: near and far, on all sides, everywhere
mindenhonnan: from every quarter
mindenhova: eachwhere
mindenhova beleüti az orrát: to snoop around, to snoop
mindenhová követ vkit: to follow about sy, to follow sy about
mindenirányú: omnidirectional
mindenképp: on every account
mindenképpen: in any case, to be sure, by all means, anyhow
mindenki: each and every, all whom I saw, everyone, each
mindenki a fedélzet alá!: all hands below!
mindenki a fedélzetre!: all hands on deck!, below there!


L'aforisma... La mancanza di qualcosa che si desidera č una parte indispensabile della felicitŕ. (Bertrand Russell)

Il proverbio... Chi si č scottato con l'acqua calda ha paura anche dell acqua fredda.

Saggezza orientale... Il domani non ha piů realtŕ di un sogno. Tutte le vere risposte sono date nell'istante del presente