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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

mint a hal szárazon: to be like a fish out of water
mint a jég: smooth as ice
mint a jégeső: to swear hard
mint a kámfor: to melt into thin air, to dissolve into thin air
mint a karikacsapás: to get on like a house on fire
mint a kerge birka: to play the giddy goat
mint a keszeg: as lean as a shotten herring
mint a másik: one is as bad as the other
mint a nap: as clear as daylight, as clear as crystal
mint a nyeletlen balta: to swim like a tailor's goose
mint a nyeletlen fejsze: to swim like a tailor's goose
mint a nyúl: as timid as a rabbit, to breed like rabbits
mint a pelyva: have no end of money
mint a pinty: blithe as a lark
mint a saját tenyerét: to know sg inside out


L'aforisma... Le veritŕ che contano, i grandi principi, alla fine, restano sempre due o tre. Sono quelli che ti ha insegnato tua madre da bambino. (Enzo Biagi)

Il proverbio... (Hominem etiam frugi flectit saepe occasio) L'occasione spesso piega l'uomo anche quello morigerato! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)

Saggezza orientale... Al di lŕ delle necessitŕ quotidiane, č opportuno liberare ed esprimere la nostra natura e la nostra unicitŕ