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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

mint a sír: as still as the grave, as still as the grave
mint a sír!: mum's the word!
mint a sötét éjszaka: as black as my hat
mint a szárazra vetett hal: to be like a fish out of water
mint a szart: to shit on
mint a szemét: have no end of money
mint a tenyerét: to know sg through and through
mint a vakablak: plain as pikestaff, as easy as falling off a log
mint a villám: like a shot, like a streak of lightning
mint aki meg van ihletve: like one inspired
mint áldozatára lecsapó sas: with a hawk-like swoop
mint amennyit ígért: he was better than his word
mint ami kell: that's more than enough
mint amikor a disznót ölik: like a stuck pig
mint amilyen: as


L'aforisma... Il superfluo si misura dal bisogno degli altri.(Giovanni XXIII)

Il proverbio... Vento di sera buon tempo si spera....

Saggezza orientale... Chi ha il coraggio di spingersi al limite delle proprie qualitŕ e capacitŕ, scopre che la vita č una miniera di continue sorprese