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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

mint fentebb említettük: as aforesaid
mint hal a vízben: as sound as a roach, to be in easy street
mint használ: to do more harm than good
mint már említettük: as stated above
mint Marci hevesen: to be in easy street, have an easy time
mint megtenni: easier said than done
mint megtörni: better bend than break
mint neked: I had the same trouble as you
mint olyan: man as such, as such, architecture proper
mint otthon: home from home
mint rendesen: as usual
mint soha: better late than never
mint szart a palánkon: to shit on sy
mint száz: to number over a hundred
mint tanúvallomás: hearsay evidence


L'aforisma... Di tutto conosciamo il prezzo, di niente il valore. (F.Nietzsche)

Il proverbio... (Feras quod laedit, ut quod prodest perferas) Sopporta ciň che ti danneggia per meglio sopportare quanto ti torna utile! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)

Saggezza orientale... Non farti turbare dai mutamenti, accogli i cambiamenti come una nuova possibilitŕ