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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

mintha dézsából öntenék: to rain cats and dogs, to rain cats and dogs
mintha fülemüle lenne: and 'twere any nightingale
mintha hülye volna: to play the idiot
mintha megéreztem volna: I kind of expected it
mintha nyársat nyelt volna: as stiff as a poker, as stiff as a ramrod
mintha rá öntötték volna: to fit to a nicety, to fit sy like a glove
mintha rá szabták volna: to fit to a nicety, to fit sy like a glove
mintha tegnap lett volna: yesterday as it were
minthogy: as, inasmuch as
mintsem hogy engedjek: I will die before I yield
minuciózus: blow-by-blow
minuciózusan végez vmit: to do sg with minute detail
mínusz: less
mínusz előjel: negative sign
mínuszjel: negative sign, dash, negative, minus sign


L'aforisma... Anche un orologio fermo fa l'ora esatta due volte al giorno.

Il proverbio... (Quam miserum officium est, quod successum non habet!) Quanto spiace per un atto di cortesia che non ottiene risultato! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)

Saggezza orientale... Se incontrerai qualcuno persuaso di sapere tutto e di essere capace di fare tutto non potrai sbagliare,