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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

mohamedán hitre térít: to mohammedanize
mohamedán időszámítás: Mohammedan era
mohamedán nép: Islam
mohamedán vallás: Islam, Mohammedanism
mohamedánizmus: Mohammedanism
moher: mohair
mohikán (indián): Mohawk
mohó: esurient, concupisible, covetous, piggy, voracious
mohó ember: greedy-guts, coveter, greedy-gut
mohó pillantás: eager look, covetous glance, eager glance
mohó tekintet: gloat, covetous glance
mohó tekintettel bámul: to gloat upon, to gloat over
mohón: eagerly, covetously, voraciously, avidly
mohón eszik: to tuck sg away, to bolt sg down, to be hogging it
mohón fal: to stuff, to wolf one's food


L'aforisma... Un bambino diventa adulto quando si rende conto che non ha diritto solo ad aver ragione ma anche ad aver torto. (Thomas Szasz)

Il proverbio... Quando la vacca tien su il muso brutto tempo salta suso....

Saggezza orientale... La perseveranza č una virtů. Ma lo sforzo deve tendere verso un fine ed avere appagamento