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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

odacsal vhova vkit: to lure sy to a place
odacsap: to plump down
odacsönget: to give sy a tinkle
odacsörög: to give sy a tinkle, to buzz
odadől: to recline against
odaég: to catch in the pan
odaéget: to smoke
odaér: to get there, to hit, hit, to run on to, to hit
odaerősít: to hitch, to bend, bent, to tie on, to nail
odaerősít vmi fölé: to surmount
odaerősítés: fastening
odaérünk időben?: shall we get there in time?
odafenn: up there
odafent: up yonder
odafentről: from on high


L'aforisma... I vent'anni sono piů belli a quaranta che a venti.

Il proverbio... Il tempo dŕ consiglio.

Saggezza orientale... Colui che spende con attenzione il denaro č piů saggio di colui che lo usa per apparire