Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English
olyan mint a kullancs: he sticks like a limpet
olyan mint a pióca: he sticks like a limpet
olyan mint egy eleven ördög: to be full of devilry
olyan mint egy pióca: to stick like a leech
olyan mint vmi: to look like sg
olyan nagy mint: as big as that
olyan nincs!: quite out of the question!, no go!
olyan porosan ahogy volt: covered with dust as he was
olyan szép: too good to be true, too good to be true
olyan területen mozog: to go outside one's range
olyanokat kérdez hogy: he asks me such questions as
olyanokat tesz: to do the effects of watching
olyant dobbant a szíve: his heart gave such a jump
olyannyira: so much so that
olyasvalahogy: kind of
Se un uomo ha una grande idea di sé stesso, si puň essere certi che č l'unica grande idea che ha avuto in vita sua. (proverbio inglese)
Il proverbio...
(Locis remotis qui latet, lex est sibi) Chi si nasconde in luoghi sconosciuti si fa una legge propria! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)
Saggezza orientale...
Č impossibile conoscere gli uomini senza conoscere la forza delle parole. (Confucio)