Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English
otthonából elkerget vkit: to turn sy adrift
otthoni: home
otthoni dolgok: domesticities
otthoni munka: home industry
otthoni ügyek: domesticities
otthonias: homely
otthonka: housecoat, overall
otthonomban: at my house, in my house, to my house
otthonos: snug
otthonos vmiben: to feel at home in sg, to be at home in sg
otthonosan érzi magát: to feel at home
otthonosan érzi magát vkivel: to feel at home with sy
otthonosan viselkedik: to feel oneself at home, to make oneself at home
otthont alapít: to set up house
otthont nyújt vkinek: to home, to make a home for sy
Prestare, in genere, non č altro che donare al rallentatore.(Siegfried Lowitz )
Il proverbio...
Buon sangue non mente.
Saggezza orientale...
Esercitiamo la nostra influenza in un gruppo se comprendiamo quando agire e quando tacere