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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

ő is csak úgy lord: he is no more a lord than I am
ő jött utoljára: he came last
ő kezeli a kasszát: have one's hand in the till
ő királyi felsége: his royal highness, her royal highness
ő királyi fensége: her royal highness, his royal highness
ő leszerepelt: he is a wash-out
ő maga: he and not other
ő már egyenesben van: his goose is cooked
ő már ilyen: he is given that way
ő még csak gyerek: he's a mere boy
ő mondta nekem: I got it from him
ő nem olyan gazdag: he is not so rich as you
ő ott: yon
ő örökölte a birtokot: the estate devolved upon him
ő parancsol: he is the boss of the shanty, he is the boss


L'aforisma... Il pettegolezzo e' come il sesso: se inizi devi finirlo!

Il proverbio... Ogni casa ha solaio, cesso, fogna e acquaio.

Saggezza orientale... Trovare la Via della veritŕ vuol dire prima di tutto imparare ad essere sinceri con se stessi