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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

pontosan megért vmit: to get sg right
pontosan meghatároz: to define
pontosan ő az: he is the very man
pontosan öt font: five pounds just as it stands
pontosan tíz shilling: just ten shilling
pontosan tud vmit: to know sg off pat
pontosan ugyanaz: selfsame, very same, the very same
pontosság: precision, fidelity, closeness, exactitude, nicety
pontosvessző: semicolon
pontot szerez: to chalk up sg
pontot tesz: to dot
pontot tesz vmire: to put a period to sg
pontoz: to dot, to punch
pontozás: pointing, score, evaluation by points, punctuation
pontozással győz: to win on points, to win over sy by points


L'aforisma... Se non riuscite ad ottenere un complimento in nessun altro modo, piuttosto che niente pagatelo. (Mark Twain)

Il proverbio... Arco di mane riempie le fontane....

Saggezza orientale... Un giorno senza sorriso č un giorno inutile