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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

tekepálya: alley
teker: to reel, to slue, to wiggle, to ball, to wriggle
tekercs: reel, roll, furl, spool, convolution, piece, coil
tekercs teherhordásra: carrying pad
tekercsel: to reel
tekercselés: windings, coil
tekercselődob: reel
tekeredés: twist, slew, twirl, convolution, slue
tekeredik: to slue, to slew, to wind, wound, to coil
tekeredő: twisty
tekereg: to wimple, to squirm, to wind, wound
tekergőzés: wriggle
tekergőzik: to wriggle, to wiggle, to squiggle
tekervény: convolution
tekervényes: intricate, devious, tortuous


L'aforisma... Un diplomatico č una persona che sa come mandarti a quel paese in modo che tu non veda l'ora di partire.

Il proverbio... Gallina vecchia fa buon brodo.

Saggezza orientale... Tenere a mente il perché delle nostre azioni rinsalderŕ i propositi in caso di difficoltŕ