Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English
tele kérem!: fill her up please!
tele lendülettel: full of pep
tele lesz szeplőkkel: to freckle
tele nem írott: unwritten
tele van a gatyája: to shit bricks
tele van a hócipője: to be sick to death
tele van a keze munkával: have one's hands full
tele van javaslatokkal: to be full of suggestions
tele van nehézségekkel: to bristle with difficulties
tele van önbizalommal: to be full of confidence
tele van vmivel: to be swamped, to be full of sg
telebeszéli vkinek a fejét: to talk sy's head off, to stuff sy up, to stuff sy
teleeszi magát: to eat till one is full, to scarf out, to bank up
teleette magát vmivel: have one's fill of sg
telefon: phone, telephone, hooter, horn
L'unica cosa che rende la vita sopportabile, č il non sapere che cosa verrŕ dopo. (Ursula Le Guin)
Il proverbio...
Non sono tutti uguali i giorni.
Saggezza orientale...
Quando arriva la prosperitŕ, non usarla tutta. (Confucio)