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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

tokos kemence: muffle
tokos kemence lezáró lemeze: bib
tokos toll: pinfeather
tokozás: canning
tol: to shove, to wheel, to shuffle, to jostle, to push
tolakodás: self-assertion, indiscretion, jostling, obtrusion
tolakodik: to hustle, to intrude, to assert oneself
tolakodó: intruder, intrusive, obtrusive, self-assertive
tolakodó koldus: deadbeat
tolakodó személy: leech, busybody
tolakodóan kíváncsi: nosy, inquisitorial
tolakszik: to squash, to obtrude, to push oneself
tolás: thrust, push, shove, pushing
tolat: to shunt, to reverse, to back the car
tolatás: shunt, shifting


L'aforisma... Quel che non mi uccide mi fa piů forte. (Nietzsche)

Il proverbio... Facendo male sperando bene il tempo va e la morte viene.

Saggezza orientale... Colui che spende con attenzione il denaro č piů saggio di colui che lo usa per apparire