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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

úgy ömlik: to rain cats and dogs
úgy sejtem: I have a hunch that
úgy sejti: have an idea that
úgy sejti hogy: have an idea that
úgy tesz: to play possum, to simulate, to go on as before
úgy tesz mintha: to pretend, to go through the motions
úgy téve mintha: with the ostensible purpose of
úgy történt: it happened as I told you, it so happened
úgy tűnik: it seems, it would seem
úgy tűnik nekem: it looks to me
úgy úszik: to swim like a millstone, to swim like a stone
úgy van: loud cheers, loud cheers, hear! hear!
úgy van!: that's right!, hear! hear!, that's the stuff!
úgy vélem: I reckon so, I reckon
úgy véli: to feel as though, to feel as if


L'aforisma... I debiti non basta farli: bisogna anche dimenticarli.

Il proverbio... Ogni giorno deve avere il suo compito.

Saggezza orientale... Studia il passato se vuoi prevedere il futuro. (Confucio)