Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English
zsákmányává lesz vkinek: to become the prize of sy, to become prize of sy
zsákmánybíróság: prize court
zsákmányol: to loot, to sack, to capture, to prize
zsákmányolás: predation, capture
zsákmányoló: predatory, predacious
zsákmányolt hajó legénysége: prize crew
zsákmányra vadászó: predatory, predacious
zsákmányul ejt: to prize
zsákmányul ejt vmit: to prey on sg, to prey upon sg
zsákol: to sack
zsákos ember: boogey man, boogey
zsákruha: sheath gown
zsákutca: cul-de-sac, stand-off, no through road, blind gut
zsákutcába szorít vkit: to put sy to a stand, to bring sy to a stand
zsákvászon: drill, hessian, burlap
Felicitŕ non č avere tutto ciň che si desidera, ma desiderare tutto ciň che si ha.
Il proverbio...
Chi non intende la propria scrittura č un asino di natura.
Saggezza orientale...
Avere ben presente il perché delle nostre azioni rinsalda i propositi quando siamo in difficoltŕ