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Obespecit' mir narodam - zadaca vseh gosudarstv - vystuplenie na 25. sessii General'noj Assamblei OON, 23 sentjabrja 1980 goda / A. A. Gromyko Moskva - Izsatel'stvo politiceskoj literatury, 1980 Testo Monografico Grondona, Marco La religione e la superstizione nella Cena Trimalchionis / Marco Grondona Bruxelles - Latomus, 1980 Testo Monografico Groningen, Bernhard Abraham - van Herodotus historien / met inleiding en commentaar uitgegeven door B. A. van Groningen Leiden - Brill, 1959- Testo Monografico Groningen, Bernhard Abraham - van Pragmateia peri tes historias kai tes kritikes ton Ellenikon keimenon / B.A. van Groningen ; prolegomena Charal. S. Phloratou Athenai - Akademia Athenon, 1980 Testo Monografico Groningen, Karin van Desigualdad social y aplicacion de la ley penal / Karin van Groningen Caracas - Editorial Juridica Venezolana, 1980 Testo Monografico Gronlie, Ole T. The Folden fiord - zoological, hydrographical and quaternary geological observations made in the Folden fiord during the summer of 1923 / by O. T. Gronlie, T. Soot-Ryen Tromso - Tromso Stiftstidendes Bok- og Akcidenstrykkeri, 1925- Testo Monografico Gronowski-Brunot, Louis Le dernier grand soir - un juif de Pologne / Louis Gronowki-Brunot ; avec la collaboration de Nina Kehayan Paris - Editions du Seuil, (1980 Testo Monografico Gronver, Jonna Evert Taubes liv og digtning / af Jonna Gr nver (Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato ) - Politikens Forlag, c1980 Testo Monografico Gronwoldt, Ruth Art nouveau - Textil-Dekor um 1900 - Katalog zur Ausstellung des Wurttembergischen Landesmuseums Stuttgart, 10. Juli-31. August 1980 / Ruth Gronwoldt Stuttgart - Wurttembergisches Landesmuseum, c1980 Testo Monografico Gronych, Ralf Allokationseffekte und Aussenhandelswirkungen der Umweltpolitik - eine komparativ-statische Zwei-Sektor-Analyse / Ralf Gronych Tübingen - Mohr, 1980 Testo Monografico Groot, Irene - de Maritime prints by the Dutch masters / selected, introduced and annotated by Irene De Groot and Robert Vorstman ; tranlated from the Dutch by Michael Hoyle London - Gordon Fraser, 1980 Testo Monografico Groot, Irene - de Sailing ships - prints by the Dutch masters from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century / selected, introduced and described by Irene de Groot and Robert Vorstman ; translated from the dutch by Michael Hoyle ; published in cooperation with the printroom of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam Maarssen - G. Schwartz, Â1980 Testo Monografico Groot, Jacob Nieuwe muziek - een Herman Gorter boek / Jacob Groot Amsterdam - Wetenschappelijke, 1980 Testo Monografico Groot, Sybren Ruurds - de Relativistic kinetic theory - principles and applications / S. R. de Groot, W. A. van Leeuwen, Ch. G. van Weert Amsterdam etc. - North-Holland, 1980 Testo Monografico Grootkerk, Paul The wedding of Peleus and Thetis in art and literature of the Middle Ages and Renaissance Ann Arbor ; London - University Microfilms International, 1980 Testo Monografico |