Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1981 (3 di 4)

Pagina nr. 1574 di 5000       

Berggren, Bo
Gravpalar pa friktionsjord-sattnigar och barformaga / av Bo Berggren
Linkoping - (Institutionen for Geoteknik med grundlaggning), 1981
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Berggren, Eric
2- Excavations in area B, 1957-1960 / by Eric Berggren and Kristina Berggren ; with appendices by Hans Helbaek and Claudio Sorrentino
Stockholm - (s.n.), 1981
Incluso in > San Giovenale - results of excavations / conducted by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies at Rome and the Soprintendenza alle Antichita dell'Etruria Meridionale
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Berggren, Greta
3- Salicaceae-Cruciferae / by Greta Berggren
Stockholm - the Swedish museum of natural history, stampa 1981
Incluso in > Atlas of seeds and small fruits of Northwest-European plant species (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, East Fennoscandia and Iceland) - with morphological descriptions / by Greta Berggren
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Bergh, Catherine - de
Alla scoperta del cielo / Catherine de Bergh, Jean-Pierre Verdet ; edizione italiana a cura di Ugo Giacomini
Milano - Principato ; Francia - Hachette, 1981
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Berghahn, Volker Rolf
Militarism - the history of an international debate - 1861-1979 / Volker R. Berghahn
Leamington - Berg, (1981)
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Berghahn, Volker Rolf
Militarism - the history of an international debate - 1861-1979 / Volker R. Berghahn
Cambridge etc. - Cambridge university, 1981
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Berghe, Louis - van den
Bibliographie analytique de l'archéologie de l'Iran ancien. Supplément 1, 1978-1980 / par L. Vanden Berghe et E. Haerinck
Leiden - E. J. Brill, 1981
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Berghella, Fulvio
Alienazione, anomia, autoritarismo nella piccola e media industria - contributo allo studio dell'ideologia antidemocratica / Fulvio Berghella
Roma - Bulzoni, c1981
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Berghella, Fulvio
Alienazione, anomia, autoritarismo nella picola e media industria - contributo allo studio dell'ideologia antidemocratica / Fulvio Berghella
Roma - Bulzoni, ©1981
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Berghorn, Forrest J.
Aging and the aged - an annotated bibliography and library research guide / Forrest J. Berghorn
Boulder, Colo. - Westview Press, 1981
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Berghorn, Forrest J.
The dynamics of aging - original essays on the processes and experiences of growing old / Forrest J. Berghorn, Donna E. Schafer
Boulder, Colo. - Westview Press, 1981
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Bergier (abate)
Theologie. Tome premier (- ) / par m. l'abbe Bergier
A Padoue, 1788-
Incluso in > Encyclopedie methodique. Nouvelle edition enrichie de remarques dediee a la Serenissime Republique de Venise
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Bergier, Nicolas Sylvestre
Le déisme réfuté par lui-même, ou Examen, en forme de lettres, des principes d'incrédulité répandus dans les divers ouvrages de M. Rousseau / par M. Bergier
Paris - J. Vrin, 1981
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Bergier, Nicolas Sylvestre (1718-1790)
Dictionnaire de théologie, par l'abbé Bergier, chanoine de l'Église de Paris, et confesseur de monsieur frère du roi. Tome 1.-
Lille - chez Lefort, libraire, imprimeur du roi ; (Besancon - Outhenin Chalandre fils), 1830-1831 ((Besançon) - Imprimerie de Outhenin Chalandre fils)
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Bergier, Nicolas Sylvestre (1718-1790)
Der durch sich selbst widerlegte Deismus, oder Prufung der in verschiedenen Werken des H. Rousseau ausgebreiteten Grundsatze des Unglaubens. In Briefen abgefasst vom Herrn Bergier ..
Augsburg - bey den Gebrudern Veith, Buchhandlern, 1786-
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