Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1981 (3 di 4)

Pagina nr. 2778 di 5000       

Dahl, Borge
Consumer legislation in Denmark - a study prepared for the EC Commission / Borge Dahl
New York (etc.) - Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1981
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Dahl, Enrique
Derecho privado sovietico / Enrique Dahl
Buenos Aires - Ediciones Depalma, 1981
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Dahl, Mark V.
Clinical immunodermatology / Mark V. Dahl
Chicago - Year Book med. publ., 1981
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Dahl, Roald
Kiss kiss - 11 racconti macabri, con humor / Roald Dahl
Milano - Garzanti, 1981
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Dahl, Robert A.
Democracy in the United States - promise and performance / Robert A. Dahl
Boston (etc. - Houghton Mifflin company, c1981
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Dahl, Robert A.
Poliarchia / Robert A. Dahl ; a cura di Angelo Scivoletto
Milano - Angeli, 1981
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Dahl, Robert A.
Poliarchia - partecipazione e opposizione nei sistemi politici / Robert A. Dahl ; edizione italiana a cura di Angelo Scivoletto
Milano - F. Angeli, ©1981
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Dahl, Tora
Fosterbarn / Tora Dahl
Kungsbacka - Elanders, (1981)
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Dahl, Willy
Norges litteratur / av Willy Dahl
Oslo - H. Aschehoug, 1981-1989
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Dahl, Willy
Stil og struktur - utviklingslinjer i norsk prosa gjennom 150 ar / Willy Dahl
Bergen - J. W. Eide, c1981
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Dahl, Willy
1- Tid og tekst 1814-1884 / av Willy Dahl
Oslo - H. Aschehoug, 1981
Incluso in > Norges litteratur / av Willy Dahl
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Dahlgren, Kerstin
Shiftwork-circadian rhythms and sleep - field studies of different shift systems / by Kerstin Dahlgren
Stockholm - University of Stockholm, Department of psychology, 1981
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Dahlin, Therrin C.
The catholic left in Latin America - a comprehensive bibliography / Therrin C. Dahlin, Gary P. Gillum, Mark L. Grover
Boston - G. K. Hall, c1981
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Dahlmann, Hellfried
Uber Aemilius Macer / von Hellfried Dahlmann
Mainz - Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur ; Wiesbaden - F. Steiner, c1981
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Dahmann, Gerd
Patentwesen, technischer Fortschritt und Wettbewerb - Formulierung einer empirisch prüfbaren Patenttheorie und Bewährungstest am Beispiel der Rasiergeräteindustrie / Gerd Dahmann
Frankfurt am Main - Lang, 1981
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