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Frammenti di Risorgimento - Carlo Bini, F. D. Guerrazzi - L'antirisorgimento, la cultura moderata / Toni Iermano Napoli - Liguori, 1981 Testo Monografico Ierunca, Virgil Pitesti / Virgil Ierunca Paris - Limite, 1981 Testo Monografico Iesu, Francesco Problematiche sull'inserimento e sull'integrazione degli alunni handicappati nelle sezioni normali di scuola materna e nelle classi normali di scuola elementare e media / Francesco Iesu Napoli - A. Sparano, 1981 Testo Monografico Iesuč, Aberto Note su Antonio Ferradini / Alberto Iesuč Roma ; Torino - ERI Edizioni RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana, 1981 Incluso in > Nuova rivista musicale italiana - bimestrale di cultura e informazione Testo Monografico Ieva Minneci, Damiana Per te, per voi, per me - liriche / Damiana Ieva Minneci ; con prefazione del prof. Filippo Fichera Mlano - (s.n. , 1981 (Milano - Meina) Testo Monografico IFAC sympsium on identification and system parameter estimation (5. ; 1979 ; Darmstadt) Identification and system parameter estimation - based on papers presented at the fifth IFAC Symposium on Identification and System Parameter Estimation, held at Darmstadt, Federal Republic of Germany, 24-28 September 1979 / guest editor R. Isermann Oxford - Pergamon, 1981 Testo Monografico IFAC sympsium on identification and system parameter estimation (5. ; 1979 ; Darmstadt) System identification - tutorials presented at the 5. IFAC Symposium on identification and system parameter estimation, september 1979 / edited by R. Isermann Oxford - Published for the International federation of automatic control by Pergamon Press, 1981 Testo Monografico IFIP TC6 international symposium on computer message systems (1981 ; Ottawa) Computer message systems - proceedings of the IFIP TC-6 International Symposium on Computer Message Systems, Ottawa, Canada, 6-8 April, 1981 / edited by Ronald P. Uhlig Amsterdam - North-Holland, 1981 Testo Monografico IFIP working conference COMNET '81 (TC-6 ; 1981 ; Budapest) Networks from the user's point of view - proceedings of the IFIP TC-6 working conference, COMNET '81, Budapest, Hungary, 11-15 May, 1981 / edited by Laszlo Csaba, Tibor Szentivanyi, Katie Tarnay Amsterdam - North-Holland Pub. Co, c1981 Testo Monografico IFIP Working Group International Workshop on Local Network (6.4 ; 1980 ; Zurich) Local networks for computer communications - proceedings of the IFIP Working Group 6.4 International Workshop on Local Networks, organized by IBM, Zurich, Switzerland, August 27-29, 1980 / edited by Anthony West and Philippe Janson Amsterdam - North-Holland Pub. Co, 1981 Testo Monografico IFIP-IMIA (TC4) working conference on changes in health care instrumentation due to microprocessor technology (1980; Rome) Changes in health care instrumentation due to microprocessor technology - proceedings of the IFIP-IMIA (TC4) working conference on changes in health care instrumentation due to microprocessor technology, Rome, Italy, 6-8 February, 1980 / edited by Francesco Pinciroli and John Anderson Amsterdam (etc.) - North-Holland Pub. Comp., c1981 Testo Monografico Ifrah, Georges Histoire universelle des chiffres / Georges Ifrah Paris - Seghers, 1981 Testo Monografico Iggers, Georg G. Nuove tendenze della storiografia contemporanea / Georg G. Iggers ; introduzione di Mario Mazza Catania - Edizioni del prisma, 1981 Testo Monografico Iglauer, Edith Seven stones - a portrait of Arthur Erickson, architect / by Edith Iglauer Vancouver - Harbour ; Seattle - University of Washington press, c1981 Testo Monografico Iglesias Laguna, Antonio Treinta anos de novela espanola - 1938-1968 Madrid - Prensa espanola, 1969- Testo Monografico |