Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1982 (3 di 4)

Pagina nr. 3890 di 5000       

Gilbert, Jacqueline
Scorpio summer / di Jacqueline Gilbert
Milano - Harlequin Mondadori, 1982
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Gilbert, John Cannon
Keynes's impact on monetary economics / J. C. Gilbert
London (etc.) - Butterworth, ©1982
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Gilbert, Martin
Atlas of the holocaust / Martin Gilbert
London - Michael Joseph, 1982
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Gilbert, Martin
3- Companion - Documents. The coming of war - 1936-1939 / by Martin Gilbert
London - Heinemann, 1982
Incluso in > Winston S. Churchill / by Randolph S. Churchill, poi by Martin Gilbert
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Gilbert, Martin
Endlosung Die Vetreibung und vernichtung der Juden / Martin Gilbert ; ein Atlas aus dem Englischen von Nikolaus Hausen
Hamburg - Rowohlt, 1982
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Gilbert, Martin
Endlösung - die Vertreibung und Vernichtung der Juden - ein Atlas / Martin Gilbert ; aus dem Englischen von Nikolaus Hansen
Reinbek bei Hamburg - Rowohlt, (1982
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Gilbert, Sharon
A nuclear atlas / Sharon Gilbert
Rosendale, N. Y. - Women' studio workshop
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Gilbert, William (1544-1603)
On the loadstone and magnetic bodies / by William Gilbert. Concerning the two new sciences
Chicago etc. - Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1982
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Gilbert, William Schwenck
Plays by W. S. Gilbert - The palace of truth; Sweethearts; Princess Toto; Engaged; Rosencrantz and Guildestern / edited with an introduction and notes by George Rowell
Cambridge - Cambridge Univesity Press, 1982
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Gilbert, Édouard Jean
27- Supplementum 1- Amanitaceae / E. J. Gilbert, J. Bresadola
Mediolani - Comitato onoranze bresadoliane, stampa 198 2
Incluso in > Iconographia mycologica et supplementum / J. Bresadolae ; curantibus B. Trave rso... et al.
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Gilbert-Lecomte, Roger
Poemes et chroniques retrouves / Roger Gilbert-Lecomte ; presentes par Alain et Odette Virmaux
Limoges - Rougerie, 1982
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Gilberti, Gilberto
Il conflitto palestinese tra passato e futuro - appunti per la determinazione di alcune linee teoriche interpretative / (Gilberto Gilberti
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n., 1982
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Gilbertus -de Hoylandia (1172m.)
The works of Gilbert of Hoyland / translated and introduced by Lawrence C. Braceland
Kalamazoo, Michigan - Cistercian publications, 1978-
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Gilboa, Yehoshua A.
A language silenced - the suppression of Hebrew literature and culture in the Soviet Union / Yehoshua A. Gilboa
Rutherford (N.J.) - Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, c1982
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Gilchrist, Alexander
The life of William Blake / Alexander Gilchrist ; edited by Ruthven Todd
London - Everyman's, 1982
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