Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1982 (3 di 4)

Pagina nr. 4214 di 5000       

Hedgecoe, John
Il manuale del fotografo - tutte le tecniche, i procedimenti, le attrezzature / John Hedgecoe
Milano - Mondadori, 1982
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Hedges, Nick
Born to work - images of factory life / Nick Hedges & Huw Beynon
London - Pluto, 1982
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Hedon, Jean Marie
Le chat sacre de Birmanie - thèse pour le doctorat vétérinaire ... / par Jean Marie Hedon
Maisons-Alfort - Ecole nationale vétérinaire d'Alfort, 1982
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Hedrick, Joan D.
Solitary comrade - Jack London and his work / Joan D. Hedrick
Chapel Hill - The University of north Carolina press, ©1982
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Heede, Burchard H.
Stream dynamics- an overview for land managers / Burcherd H. Heede
Fort Collins, Colorado - USDA Forest Service, 1980
Incluso in > General technical report RM / Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station
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Heely, Joseph
20- Letters on the beauties of Hagley, Envil, and the Leasowes / Joseph Heely
New York ; London - Garland, 1982
Incluso in > The English landscape garden - examples of the important literature of English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt
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Heemst, Jan - van
Scale, organisation and efficiency in footwear production - an analysisi of some Ghanaian data / Jan van Heemst
The Hague - Institute of social studies, 1982
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Heemstede, Leo - von (1842-1929 ; pseudonimo)
Sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie - légende dramatique en trois tableaux de Leo van Heemstede - op. 44 / adaptation française de Florimond van Duyse ; musique de Edgar Tinel
Leipzig - Breitkopf & Härtel, (19..)
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Heerma van Voss, Matthieu Sybrand Huibert Gerard
Agypten, die 21. Dynastie / M. Heerma van Voos
Leiden - E.J. Brill, 1982
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Heers, Jacques
L' Apennin Ligure et la mer a la fin du moyen age / Jacques Heers
Napoli - L. Pironti, 1982
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Heers, Jacques
Fetes, jeux et joutes dans les societes d'Occident a la fin du Moyen age - Conference Albert Le Grand, 1971 / par Jacques Heers
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n.), 1982 (Montreal - Gagne Ltee)
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Heers, Jacques
Le travail au Moyen Âge / Jacques Heers
Paris - Presses universitaires de France, 1982
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Heertje, Arnold
The black economy / Arnold Heertje, Margaret Allen and Harry Cohen
London (etc.) - A Pan Original, c1982
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Heertje, Arnold
Elementi di economia politica / Arnold Heertje
Bologna - Il mulino, 1982
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Hees-Landwehr, Christa - von
Griechische Meisterwerke in romischen Abgussen - der Fund von Baia / Christa von Hess-Landwehr
Frankfur am Main - Liebieghaus Museum, 1982
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