Pagina nr. 843 di 4057 |
Stendhal (Henri Beyle) - 1783-1983 - editions originales - editions bibliophiles, oeuvres complètes - editions critiques, correspondances - autour de Stendhal - ouvrages conceernant Stendhal et son oeuvre - etudes critiques - biographies - bibliographies / Librairie du Grand-Chene, Ernest Abravanel Aran - Librairie du Grand-Chene, (dopo 1984) Testo Monografico Librairie L'exemplaire (Ginevra) Beaux livres anciens, illustrés, modernes / (Librairie l'Exemplaire) Geneve - Catherine Schmitt, (198.) Testo Monografico LIBRARY AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATION Online catalogs, online reference - converging trends - proceedings of a Library and information technology association preconference institute, June 23-24, 1983, Los Angeles / edited by Brian Aveney and Brett Butler Chicago - American Library association, 1984 Testo Monografico Library of Congress Main Catalog of the Library of Congress - Titles cataloged through December 1980 New York ; Munchen (etc.) - Saur, 1984-1987 Testo Monografico Library of Congress - Geography and map division Panoramic maps of cities in the United States and Canada - a checklist of maps in the collections of the Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division / compiled by John R. Hebert; revised by Patrick E. Dempsey Washington - Library of Congress, 1984 Testo Monografico Library of Congress - National Library Service for the blind and physically handicapped Mobility and mobility aids for visually handicapped individuals / National Library service for the blind and physically handicapped Washington DC - The Library of Congres, 1984 Testo Monografico Library of Congress - Science Reference section - Science and technology LC Science Tracer Bullet Washington - Library of congress, 1972- Pubblicazione Periodica Library of Congress - Subject cataloging division Library of Congress classification. Class L - Education / Subject cataloging division, processing services Washington - Library of Congress, 1984 Testo Monografico Library of Congress - Subject cataloging division Subject headings used in the dictionary catalogs of the Library of Congress. Supplement ... To be used with the 5th edition and the July 1947-December 1949 and the January 1950-December 1951 cumulations / Library of Congress, Subject Cataloging Division Washington - (s.n.), 1952 Testo Monografico Library of Congress (Washington) New serial titles - a union list of serials commencing publication after December 31, 1949 Washington - Library of Congress, 1953- Pubblicazione Periodica Library systems Seminar (8. ; 1984 ; Firenze) Distributed library systems - library system Seminar, Florence - 14-16 March 1984 / editor- Corrado Pettenati San Domenico, Fiesole - European university institute, 1984 Testo Monografico Libreria antica e moderna Ancora Gigli Catalogo ... / Libreria antica e moderna Ancora Gigli Bologna - Libreria antica e moderna Ancora Gigli, 1947- Pubblicazione Periodica Libreria antiquaria Fiammenghi Catalogo ... / Libreria antiquaria Fiammenghi Bologna - Libreria antiquaria Fiammenghi Pubblicazione Periodica Libreria antiquaria Giuseppe Certani (Bologna) Catalogo ... / della Libreria antiquaria Giuseppe Certani Bologna - Libreria antiquaria Giuseppe Certani Pubblicazione Periodica Libreria antiquaria Luigi Banzi (Bologna) Risorgimento italiano - uomini e fatti / Libreria antiquaria Luigi Banzi Bologna - Libreria antiquaria Luigi Banzi, 1960- Pubblicazione Periodica |