Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1985 (3 di 4)

Pagina nr. 4725 di 5000       

Gadler, Achille
Guida alpinistica escursionistica del Trentino orientale / Achille Gadler
Trento - Panorama, 1985
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Gadler, Achille
Guida alpinistica escursionistica dell'Alto Adige/Südtirol / Achille Gadler
Trento - Panora, stampa 1985
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Gadotti, Adonide
Carmen Melis - un grande soprano del verismo / Adonide Gadotti ; prefazione di Bruno Cagnoli ; note biografiche raccolte da Adonide Gadotti ed elaborate da Bruno Cagnoli ; Del verismo ... o giù di lì, di Daniele Rubboli
Roma - Bardi, stampa 1985
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Gadoury, Victor
Liste à prix fixes ... 1985 - annual No. 54 / Victor Gadoury
Montecarlo - Victor Gadoury, (1985
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Gadoury, Victor
Liste à prix fixes ... - 1985 - annual No. 53 / Victor Gadoury
Montecarlo - Victor Gadoury, (1985
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Gadoury, Victor
Monnaies de collection - vente aux encheres publique - Montecarlo, 26-27 novembre 1985 / Victor Gadoury
Montecarlo - Victor Gadoury, (1985
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Gaedeke, Ralph
Small business management / Ralph M. Gaedeke, Dennis H. Tootelian
Glenview ; London - Scott, Foresman & c., c1985
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GAEKWAD, Fatesinhrao (Maharaja of Baroda)
The palaces of India / Maharaja of Baroda ; with photos. by Virginia Fass
Registrazione audio

Gaemers, P. A. M.
Fisch-Otolithen aus der obermiozanen Sylt-Stufe des Morsum-Kliffs / P. A. M. Gaemers
Hamburg - I.-M. Hacht, 1985
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Gaemers, P. A. M.
Fish otoliths from the Rupelian of sand-pit roelants at heide-boskan (Municipality of Lubbeek, Belgium) and the stratigraphy of the early Rupelian, 1. general part / by Pieter A. M. Gaemers
(Leiden - (s.n. , 1985
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Gaemers, P. A. M.
Fish otoliths from the Rupelian of sand-pit roelants at heide-boskan (Municipality of Lubbeek, Belgium) and the stratigraphy of the early Rupelian, 2. systematic part / by Pieter A. M. Gaemers
(Leiden - (s.n. , 1985
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Gaemers, P. A. M.
Otolith stratigraphy of Late Weichselian and Holocene sediments of Malangsdjupet, off northern Norway / Pieter A. M. Gaemers & Tore O. Vorren
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - (s.n. , 1985
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Gaemers, P. A. M.
Taxonomic position of the cichlidae (pisces, perciformes) as demonstrated by the morphology of their Otoliths / by Pieter A. M. Gaemers
(Netherlands - (s.n. , 1984
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Gaertner, Georg
Hitler's last soldier in America / Georg Gaertner ; with Arnold Krammer
New York - Stein and Day, 1985
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Gaeta, Agostino
Fiat - un ingranaggio umano / Agostino Gaeta
Poggibonsi - A. Lalli, 1985
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