Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1985 (4 di 4)

Pagina nr. 820 di 4232       

Knight, Diana
Flaubert's characters - the language of illusion / Diana Knight
Cambridge - Cambridge University press, 1985
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Knight, Frank R
Risk, uncertainty, and profit / Frank H. Knight ; with a foreword by George J. Stigler
Chicago, ILL. - The Univ. of Chicago press, 1985
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Knight, Stephen
The brotherhood - the secret world of the Freemasons / Stephen Knight
London - Panther Granada, 1985
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Knight, William John Langford
The acquisition of private companies / W. J. L. Kinght
London - Longman professional, 1985
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Knitter, Paul F.
No other name - a critical survey of Christian attitudes toward the world religions / Paul F. Knitter
London - SCM press, 1985
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Knitter, Paul F.
No other name - a critical survey of Christian attitudes toward the world religions / Paul F. Knitter
Maryknoll, New York - Orbis Book, c1985
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Knobel, Lance
The Faber guide to twentieth-century architecture - Britain and northern Europe / by Lance Knobel
London - Faber and Faber, 1985
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Knobloch, Hans Wilhelm
Lineare Kontrolltheorie / H.W. Knobloch, H. Kwakernaak
Berlin ; New York - Springer-Verlag, c1985
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Knoch, Otto
Morte e vita eterna - secondo la Bibbia / Otto Knoch
Roma - Città nuova, c1985
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Knoebel, Arthur (1934-....)
The equational classes generated by single functionally precomplete algebras / Arthur Knoebel
Providence, R. I. - AMS, 1985
Incluso in > Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
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Knoepfli, Albert
Les inventaires du patrimoine artistique, architectural et culturel dans les pays européens - etat des travaux et necessite d'un encouragement / par Albert Knoepfli ; avec la collaboration de Mane Hering-Mitgau
Strasbourg - Conseil de l'Europe, 1985
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Knoepfli, Albert
Inventories of the artistic, architectural and cultural heritage in the european countries - present state and the need for their promotion / by Albert Knoepfli ; with the assistance of Mane Hering-Mitgau
Strasbourg - (s.n.), 1985
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Knoespel, Kenneth Jacob
Narcissus and the invention of personal history / by Kenneth J. Knoespel
New York, N.Y - Garland, 1985
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Knoll, Rudolf
Griechischer Wein / Rudolf Knoll
Neustadt an der Weinstrasse - Meininger, c1985
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Knop, Andre
Phenolic resins - chemistry, applications and performance - future directions / A. Knop, L. A. Pilato
Berlin (etc.) - Springer, ©1985
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