Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1985 (4 di 4)

Pagina nr. 855 di 4232       

Krainer, Robert E.
The financial system and the coordination of economic activity / Robert E. Krainer
New York (etc.) - Praeger, 1985
Testo Monografico

Krainer, Robert E.
The financial system and the coordination of economic activity / Robert E. Krainer
New York etc. - Praeger, 1985
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Krakovitch, Odile
Hugo censure - la liberte au theatre au 19. siecle / Odile Krakovitch
Paris - Calmann-Levy, (1985)
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Krakow (Archidiocesi)
Il sinodo pastorale dell'archidiocesi di Cracovia - 1972-1979
Cittŕ del Vaticano - Libreria editrice vaticana, (1985
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Krakowski, Michael
Dekonzentrationsprozesse in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland / von Michael Krakowski
Koln etc. - Heymann, 1985
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Kral, Josef
O prosodii ceske / napsal Josef Kral
Praha - Ceska Akademie ved a umeni, 1923-
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Kral, Vaclav
Vznik CSR / Vaclav Kral
Praha - Melantrich, 1985
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Kralj, Dušan
Bohinj in Triglav / tekst- Drago Kralj, Metka Lokar ; recenzenti- Branimir Zganjer, Emil Govek ; fotografije- Arhiv TD Bohinj, Arhiv Turistkomerc
Zagreb - Turistkomerc, 1985
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Krall, Giulio
Vito Volterra - la matematica e la scienza del suo tempo / Giulio Krall
Italia - s.n., 1955 (Torino - Ilte)
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Krall, Jacob
Grundriss der altorientalischen Geschichte / von Jakob Krall
Wien - A. Hölder, 1899-
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Krall, Jože
Partizanske tiskarne na Slovenskem
Ljubljana - Založila «Paetizanska knjiga», 1972- .
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Krallert-Sattler, Gertrud
Auswahlbibliographie zum Fluchtlings- und Zwangswanderungsproblem - Schriften, erschienen 1979-1982 / Gertrud Krallert-Sattler
Wien - Braumuller, c1985
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Kram, Kathy E.
Mentoring at work - developmental relationships in organizational life / Kathy E. Kram
Glenview (Ill.) ; London - Scott Foresman, c1985
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Kramarae, Cheris
A feminist dictionary / Cheris Kramarae and Paula A. Treicheler, with assisRusso fron Ann Russo
Boston (etc.) - Pandora Press, c 1985
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Kramer, Horst
Begriffe der Forsteinrichtung / von Horst Kramer
Frankfurt am Main - J.D. Sauerlander's Verlag, c1985
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