Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1985 (4 di 4)

Pagina nr. 858 di 4232       

Kraszewski, Jozef Ignacy
Poldiable weneckie - powiesc od Adriatyku / Jozef Ignacy Kraszewski
Krakow - Wydawnictwo Literackie, c1985
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Krasznahorkai, Laszlo
Sátántangó / Krasznahorkai László
Budapest - Magveto Könyvkiadó, 1985
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Kratochwil, Friedrich V.
Peace and disputed sovereignty - reflections on conflict over territory / Friedrich Kratochwil, Paul Rohrlich, Harpreet Mahajan
Lanham etc. - University press of America, 1985
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Kratzer, Guy L.
office management of colon and rectal disease / Guy L. Kratzer, Robert J. Demarest
Philadelphia - Saunders, 1985
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Kratzsch, Dietrich
Verhaltenssteuerung und Organisation im Strafrecht - Ansatze zur Reform des strafrechtlichen Unrechtsbegriffs und der Regeln der Gesetzesanwendung / von Dietrich Kratzsch
Berlin - Duncker & Humblot, c1985
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Kraus (editrice)
Illuminations - examples of the art of illumination from the thirteenth to the early sixteenth century in manuscripts and single miniatures
New York - H. P. Kraus, c1985
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Kraus Reggiani, Clara
'Enkyklios paidéia' e filosofia come possibili fasi dell'itinerario a Dio nell'allegoresi biblica di Filone Alessandrino / Clara Kraus Reggiani
(Padova) - Cedam, 1985
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Kraus, Fritz Rudolf
Briefe aus kleineren westeuropaischen Sammlungen / bearbeitet von F.R. Kraus
Leiden - E.J. Brill, 1985
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Kraus, Karl
Pro domo et mundo (1912) / Karl Kraus ; traduit de l'allemand par Roger Lewinter
Paris - Lebovici, 1985
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Kraus, Karl (1874-1936)
Aphorismen und Gedichte - Auswahl 1903-1933 / Karl Kraus ; Herausgegeben von Dietrich Simon
Wien ; Köln ; Graz - Böhlau, 1985
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Kraus, Katharina
La Bibbia Masai / di Katharina Kraus
Milano - Jaca Book, 1985
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Kraus, Michael
The writing of American history / by Michael Kraus and Davis D. Joyce
Norman - University of Oklahoma press, 1985
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Kraus, Paul
The not so fabulous fifties - images of a migrant childhood / Paul Kraus
Portland - Kangaroo Press, c1985
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Kraus, Theodor
Pompei e Ercolano / testi di Theodor Kraus ; fotografie di Leonard von Matt
Milano - Silvana, 1985
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Kraus, Theodor
Pompei ed Ercolano / Theodor Kraus ; fotografie di Leonard von Matt
Milano - Silvana, 1985
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