Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1985 (4 di 4)

Pagina nr. 871 di 4232       

Kroos, Renate
Der Schrein des Heiligen Servatius in Maastricht und die vier zugeho¨rigen Reliquiare in Bru¨ssel / Renate Kroos
Mu¨nchen - Deutscher Kunstverlag, 1985
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Kroplin, Eckart
Fruhe sowjetische Oper Schostakowitsch Prokofjew / Eckart Kröplin
Berlin - Henschelverlag, 1985
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Kropotkin, Pëtr Alekseevic
The conquest of bread / Peter Kropotkin ; introduction by Alfredo M. Bonanno
London - Elephant, 1985 (Catania - Alfa grafica Sgroi)
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Kropotkin, Pëtr Alekseevic
Field, factories and workshops tomorrow / Peter Kropotkin ; edited, introduced and with additional material by Colin Ward
London - Freedom Press, 1985
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Kropotkin, Pëtr Alekseevic
Fields, factories and workshops tomorrow / Peter Kropotkin ; edited, introduced and with additional material by Colin Ward
London - Freedom Press, 1985
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Kropp, Gerhard
Berlin - De Gruyter, 1950- .
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Krotkoff, Georg
Studies in neo-Aramaic Lexicology / Georg Krotkoff
Winona Lake - Eisenbrauns, (1985 )
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Kroumbacher, Karl
En Athenais - Typois P. D. Sakellariou, 1897
Incluso in > Historia tes byzantine logotechnias metaphrastheisa / Kroumbacher, ypo Georgiou Soteriadou
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Krstic, Radivoj V.
General histology of the mammal - an atlas for students of medicine and biology / Radivoj V. Krstic
Berlin (etc.) - Springer-Verlag, c1985
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Krueger, Anne O.
La determination des taux de change / Anne O. Krueger ; preface de Henry Bourguinat
Paris - Economica, 1985
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Krueger, Hilmar Carl
Navi e proprieta navale a Genova - seconda meta del sec. 12. / Hilmar C. Krueger
Genova - Societa ligure di storia patria, 1985
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Krueger, Hilmar Carl
Navi e proprieta navale a Genova, seconda meta del sec. 12. / Hilmar C. Krueger
Genova - nella sede della Societa ligure di storia patria, 1985
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Krueger, John R.
A Kazakh newspaper reader - including a complete Kazakh-English citation glossary / John R. Krueger
Bloomington - Indiana University, Research Institute for Inner Asian studies, 1985
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Kruft, Hanno-Walter
Geschichte der Architekturtheorie - von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart / Hanno-Walter Kruft
714 p., 94 p. di tav. - ill. ; 25 cm
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Kruger, Arnd
Leibesübungen in Europa 1. Die Europäische Gemeinschaft / Arnd Krüger
London - Arena Publications, 1985
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