Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1985 (4 di 4)

Pagina nr. 1073 di 4232       

Lewerentz, Sigurd
Sigurd Lewerentz 1885-1975
Stockholm - Arkitekturmuseet, arkitektur forlag AB, 1985
Testo Monografico

Lewicki, Roy J.
Negotiation / Roy J. Lewicki, Joseph A. Litterer
Homewood, Illinois - Irwin, 1985
Testo Monografico

Lewicki, Tadeusz
Zródla arabskie do dziejów slowianszczyzny
Wroclaw etc. - Zaklad narodowy imienia Ossolinskich widawnictwo Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 1969-
Testo Monografico

Lewin (libreria antiquaria ; Varsavia)
Russkija Knjgj / Lewin
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s. n.), 1931- (Paris - Imp. Franco-slave)
Pubblicazione Periodica

Lewin, André
Sékou Touré - ce qu'il fut, ce qu'il fait, ce qu'il faut défaire / Andrč Lewin, Sennen Andriamirado, Siradiou Diallo
(Paris) - éd. jeune Afrique, 1985
Testo Monografico

Lewin, Benjamin
Il gene / Benjamin Lewin
Bologna - Zanichelli, ©1985
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Lewin, Benjamin
Genes / Benjamin Lewin
New York, NY - John Wiley & Sons , c. 1985
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Lewin, Benjamin
Genes / Benjamin Lewin
New York (etc.) - John Wiley & sons, c1985
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Lewin, Isaac
The Jewish community in Poland - historical essays / by Isaac Lewin
New York - Philosophical library, 1985
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Lewin, Kurt
Kurt-Lewin-Werkausgabe / herausgegeben von Carl Friedrich Graumann
Bern - Hans Huber ; Stuttgart - Klett-Cotta, c1981-
Testo Monografico

Lewin, Moshe
The making of the Soviet system - essays in the social history of interwar Russia / Moshe Lewin
London - Methuen, 1985
Testo Monografico

Lewin, Moshe
The making of the Soviet System - essays in the social history of interwar Russia / Moshe Lewin
New York - Pantheon books, 1985
Testo Monografico

Lewin, Thomas Herbert
A manual of Tibetan - being a guide to the colloquial speech of Tibet in a series of progressive exercises / prepared by Thomas Herbert Lewin ; with the assistance of Yapa Ugyen Gyatsho
New Delhi - Asian educational services, 1985
Testo Monografico

Lewinsky, Charles
Hitler auf dem Rutli - Protokolle einer verdrangten Zeit / Charles Lewinsky, Doris Morf ; herausgegeben und mit historischen anmerkungen versehen von Josef Wandeler
Zurich - Unionsverlag, c1984
Testo Monografico

Lewis, A. B.
Mesures essentielles au developpement agricole national / A. B. Lewis, Ralph W. Phillips et J. Lossing Buck
Washington - FAO, 1950
Pubblicazione Periodica