Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1985 (4 di 4)

Pagina nr. 3258 di 4232       

Smart, Barry
Michel Foucault / Barry Smart
Chichester - Ellis Horwood ; London - Tavistock, 1985
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Smart, John Jamieson Carswell
Utilitarismo - un confronto / J. J. C. Smart, Bernard Williams
Napoli - Bibliopolis, 1985
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Smart, John Jamieson Carswell
Utilitarismo- un confronto / J. J. C. Smart, Bernard Williams
Napoli - Bibliopolis, 1985
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Smart, Nicholas
Birds and broadleaves handbook - a guide to further the conservation of birds in broadleaved woodland / by Nicholas Smart, John Andrews
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - Royal Society for the protection of birds, c1985
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Smart, Robert Augustin
The Nonfiction novel / Robert Augustin Smart
Lanham- University Press of America, 1985
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Smaus, Gerlinda
Das Strafrecht und die kriminalitat in der Alltagssprache der deutschen Bevolkerung / Gerlinda Smaus ; Mit einem Vorwort von Alessandro Baratta
Opladen - Westdeutscher, c1985
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Smeed, John William
The Theophrastan character - the history of a literary genre / J. W. Smeed
Oxford etc. - Clarendon press, 1985
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Smeeton, C. S.
The metropolitan electric tramways / by C. S. Smeeton
Walsall - W. J. Ray & Co., 1984-
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Smelser, Neil J.
Manuale di sociologia / Neil J. Smelser
Bologna - Il mulino, 1985
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Smeman, Alexandr
L' Eucharistie, Sacrement du Royaume / Alexandre Schmemann ; traduit par Constantin Andronikof
Paris - O.E.I.L - Ymca-Press, c1985
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Smend, Rudolf
Constitucion y derecho constitucional / Rudolf Smend
Madrid - Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, 1985
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Smeriglio, Letterio
Ricerca psicologica e problematica educativa / Letterio Smeriglio
Messina - Samperi, 1985
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Smernoff, Richard A.
L' abbé Prevost / by Richard A. Smernoff
Boston - Twayne, 1985
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Smet, Petrus Adrianus Godgried Maria - de
Ritual enemas and snuffs in the Americas / door Petrus Adrianus Godfried Maria de Smet
Amsterdam - Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation ; Dordrecht ; Cinnaminson - FORIS, c1985
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Smetana, Bedrich
Ma vlast / Smetana ; Orchestre de la Suisse Romande ; (dir. Wolfgang Sawallisch
(Germania - RCA records - Red seal, c1985
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