Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1985 (4 di 4)

Pagina nr. 3270 di 4232       

Smuts, Barbara B.
Sex friendship in baboons / Barbara B. Smuts
New York - Aldine, c1985
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Smuzniak, Karol
Wroclawski teatr pantomimy, 1956-1978 - kronika, dokumentacja / Karol Smuzniak
Wroclaw - Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego, 1985
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Smyth, Craig Hugh
Osservazioni intorno a Il carteggio di Michelangelo / Craig H. Smyth
Firenze - L. S. Olschki, 1985
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Smyth, Hedley
Property companies and the construction industry in Britain / Hedley Smyth
Cambridge - Cambridge University Press, 1985
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Snam sicurezza
Statistiche infortuni - anno 1984
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s. n., 1985 (Milano - San Martino)
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Snead, Jane
Potter's primer / by Jane Snead
Philadelphia - published by J. Snead, 1943
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Sneader, Walter
Drug discovery - the evolution of modern medicines / Walter Sneader
Chichester etc. - John Wiley, c1985
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Snedcof, Harold R.
Cultural facilities in mixed-use development / by Harold R. Snedcof
Washington - Urban Land Institute, 1985
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Snee, Ronald D.
Experiments in industry - design, analysis, and interpretation of results / Ronald D. Snee, Lynne B. Hare, J. Richard Trout
Milwaukee, Wisconsin - American Society for Quality Control, 1985
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Snelbecker, Glenn E.
Learning theory, instructional theory, and psychoeducational design / Glenn E. Snelbecker
Lanham - University press of America, c1985
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Snell, James G.
The supreme court of Canada - history of the institution / James G. Snell and Frederick Vaughan
Toronto etc. - published for the Osgoode Society by University of Toronto press, 1985
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Snell, K. D. M.
Annals of the labouring poor - social change and agrarian England - 1660-1900 / K. D. M. Snell
Cambridge etc. - Cambridge University press, 1985
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Snepscheut, Jan L. A. - van de
Trace theory and VLSI design / Jan L. A. van de Snepscheut
Berlin etc. - Springer, c1985
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Sniderman, Paul M.
Race and inequality - a study in American values / by Paul M. Sniderman,_Michael Gray Hagen
, Chatham - Chatham House,1985
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Snijders, Cornelis Jacobus
La sezione aurea - Arte, natura, matematica, architettura e musica
Padova - Muzzio, 1985
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