Pagina nr. 3336 di 4232 |
Worchester and other British and Irish ceramics - Tuesday, 21 May, 1985 and Friday, 24 May, 1985 / Sotheby's London - Sotheby's, ©1985 Testo Monografico Sotheby's (Milano) Arte moderna e contemporanea comprendente Gino Severini ... - giorno di vendita giovedi 9 maggio 1985 ... Milano Palazzo Serbelloni ... / Sotheby's Italia Firenze - Sotheby's, (1985 ) Testo Monografico Sotheby's (Monaco di Baviera) Arts décoratifs du 20. siècle - Dimanche 17 mars 1985 / Sotheby's Monaco S.A Monaco - Sotheb's, ©1985 Testo Monografico Sotheby's (Monaco di Baviera) Wertvolle bucher, decorative graphik / Sotheby Monaco (di Baviera - Sotheby's Deutschland GMBH, (1985 Testo Monografico Sotheby's (Monaco di Baviera) Wertvolle Bücher dekorative Graphik ... - Montag, 4 November 1985 / Sotheby's Deutschland GmbH München - Sotheby's, (1985 ) Testo Monografico Sotheby's (New York) Collectors' carrousel - including Rock 'n' Roll memorabilia - Saturday, June 29, 1985 / Sotheby's New York - Sotheby's, c1985 Testo Monografico Sotheby's (New York) Egyptian, classical and western asiatic antiquities and islamic works of art including an egyptian faience figure of a Hippopotamus ... auction friday, february 8, 1985 / (Sotheby's) New York - Sotheby's, c1985 Testo Monografico Sotheby's (New York) Egyptian, Classical, and Western Asiatic Antiquities and Islamic works of art - including- an Alexander Marble head of Zeus Ammon ... - auction- Thursday, November 21, 1985 ... / (Sotheby') New York - Sotheby's, c1985 Testo Monografico Sotheby's (New York) Important Chinese snuff bottles, from the collection of Alice B. McReynolds, Part 2. - Tuesday, April 16, 1985 / Sotheby's New York - Sotheby's, (1985 ) Testo Monografico Sotheby's (New York) Important judaica- books, manuscripts, and works of art - the property of various owners including property from a european private collection ... - auction- monday, november 25, 1985 New York - Sotheby's, c1985 Testo Monografico Sotheby's (New York) Important Orientalist Paintings from the collection of Coral Petroleum, Inc. - auction- Wednesday, May 22, 1985 / (Sotheby's) New York - Sotheby's, c1985 Testo Monografico Sotheby's (New York) Important sporting paintings and prints - Thursday, June 6, 1985 / Sotheby's New York - Sotheby's, (1985 ) Testo Monografico Sotheby's (New York) Impressionist and modern paintings, drawings and sculpture - property of the Estate of Emily Milliken Wilson ... - Friday, 18 october, 1985 / Sotheby's New York - Sotheby's, c1985 Testo Monografico Sotheby's (New York) Impressionist paintings and drawings from the estate of Florence J. Gould / Sotheby New York - Sotheby's, (1985 Testo Monografico Sotheby's (New York) Indian, Tibetan, Nepalese, Thai, Khmer and Javanese art, including Indian miniatures, the property of mr Paul E. Manheim of New York city ... - Friday, September 20, 1985 (and) Saturday, September 21, 1985 / Sotheby's New York - Sotheby's, (1985 ) Testo Monografico |