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international symposium on industrial robots ; 8. international conference on industrial robot technology - Proceedings / edited by H. Van Brussel Kempston, Bedford - IFS, c1986 Testo Monografico International symposium on industrial robots (16. ; 1986 ; Bruxelles) international symposium on industrial robots. *8. international conference on industrial robot technology - 30 September-2 October 1986, Brussels, Belgium - proceedings / edited by H. Van Brussel Bedford - IFS ; Berlin etc. - Springer-Verlag, 1986 Testo Monografico International symposium on inhalation therapy (1970 ; Napoli) Proceeding of the International symposium on inhalation therapy - Naples, November 2 and 3, 1970 Torino - Minerva medica, 1970- . Testo Monografico International symposium on inhalation therapy (1970 ; Napoli) Proceedings of the International symposium on *inhalation therapy - Naples, November 2 and 3, 1970 / A. Blasi, G. Melillo (editors) Torino - Minerva medica, 1970- Testo Monografico International Symposium on Interval Mathematics (1985 - Friburgo) Interval mathematics 1980 - proceedings of an International symposium Freiburg i. Br., Federal Republicof Germany September 23-26, 1985 / edited by K. Nickel Berlino (etc.) - Springer-Verlag, c1986 Testo Monografico International symposium on intracellular protein catabolism (6. ; 1986 ; Buchenberg) Intracellular protein catabolism - Abstracts of the 6th. Symposium / editors- Harald Aurich, Heidrun Kirschke, Bernd Wiederanders Halle - Martin-Luther-Universitat, 1986 Testo Monografico International Symposium on Inventories (3. ; 1984 ; Budapest) Inventory in theory and practice - proceedings of the third international symposium on inventories, Budapest, august 27-31, 1984 / edited by Attila Chikan Amsterdam - Elsevier, 1986 Testo Monografico International Symposium on Land Subsidence (3. ; 1984 ; Venezia) Land subsidence - proceedings of the 3. International symposium on Land subsidence held in Venice, Italy, 19-25 March 1984 / edited by A. I. Johnson, Laura Carbognin, L. Ubertini Wallingford - International association of hydrological sciences, 1986 Testo Monografico International symposium on language and artificial Language and artificial intelligence - proceedings of an international sysmposium on language and artificial intelligence held in Kyoto, Japan , 16-21 March, 1986 / Amsterdam (etc.) - North-Holland, 1987 Testo Monografico International symposium on lepton and photon interactions at high energies (12. ; 1985 ; Kyoto) Lepton and photon interactions at high energies - proceedings of the 1985 International Symposium on lepton and photon interactions at high energies August 19-24, 1985 Kyoto / editors Michiji Konuma, Kasuke Takahashi Kyoto - Nissha Printing, 1986 Testo Monografico International symposium on lepton and photon interactions at high energies (12. ; 1985 ; Kyoto) Proceedings of the 1985 International symposium on lepton and photon interactions at high energies - August 19-24, 1985 Kyoto / editors Michiji Konuma, Kasuke Takahashi Kyoto - Kyoto University, 1986 Testo Monografico International symposium on measurement of electrical quantities (1. ; 1986 ; Como) International symposium on measurement of electrical quantities - Noise in electrical measurements - Villa Olmo - Como (Italy) - June 19-21, 1986 Milano - CLUP, stampa 1986 Testo Monografico International symposium on measurement of electrical quantities (1. ; 1986 ; Como) Noise in electrical measurements - 1. international symposium on measurement of electrical quantities - Villa Olmo, Como (Italy), June 19-21, 1986 - proceedings / editors T. Kemeny, Karolina Havrilla Budapest - IMEKO, 1986 Testo Monografico International Symposium on measuring techniques in hydraulic research (1985 ; Delft) Measuring techniques in hydraulic research - proceedings of the international Symposium on measuring techniques in hydraulic research, IAHR Section on hydraulics instrumentation, Delft, 22-24 april 1985 / edited by A. C. E. Wessels Rotterdam ; Boston - A. A. Balkema, 1986 Testo Monografico International symposium on mechanism of cell injury, cytopretection-organoprotection (1986 ; Heidelberg) International symposium on mechanisms of cell injury, cytoprotection organoprotection, Heidelberg, June 9-11 1986 / guest editors K. H. Usadel Testo Monografico |