Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1986 (4 di 4)

Pagina nr. 3713 di 4556       

Sprockhoff, Joachim Friedrich
Samnyasa - Quellenstudien zur Askese im Hinduismus / von Joachim Friedrich Sprockhoff
Marburg/Lahn - Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft ; Wiesbaden - F. Steiner, 1976-
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Spronk, Klaas
Beatific Afterlife in Ancient Israel and in the Ancient Near East / von Klaas Spronk
Kevelaer - Butzon und Bercker ; Neukirchen-Vluyn - Nuekirchener Verl., 1986
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Sproxton, Birk
Trace- prairie writers on writing / Birk Sproxton editor
Manitoba - Turnstone, c1986
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Spruner, Karl - von
V. Spruner-Sieglin Hand-Atlas zur Geschichte des Altertmus, des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit
Gotha - Justus Perthes, pref. 1893-
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Sprunger, Samuel
Orchideentafeln aus Curtis's botanical Magazine / herausgegeben von Samuel Sprunger ; einfuhrung von Phillip Cribb
Stuttgart - Ulmer, 1986
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SPSS (Inc.)
SPSS/PC+ for the IBM PC/XT/AT - advanced statistics / SPSS Inc., Marija J. Norusis
Chicago - SPSS, 1986
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SPSS (Inc.)
SPSS/PC+ for the IBM PC/XT/AT - data entry / SPSS Inc
Chicago - SPSS, 1986
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SPSS (Inc.)
SPSS/PC+ for the IBM PC/XT/AT - tables / SPSS inc
Chicago, Illinois - SPSS, 1986
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SPSS (Inc.)
SPSSx user's guide / SPSS
New York (etc.) - McGraw-Hill Book Company, c1986
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Spufford, Peter
Handbook of medieval exchange / by Peter Spufford ; with the assistance of Wendy Wilkinson and Sarah Tolley
London - Offices of the Royal Historical Society, 1986
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Spufford, Peter
Handbook of medieval exchange / Peter Spufford
London - Office of the Royal Historical Society, 1986
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Spurdle, Bob
The blue arena / Squadron Leader Bob Spurdle DFC and Bar
London - William Kimber, 1986
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Spurling, David
Economics / by David Spurling ; advisory editor Stephen Coote
Harmondsworth ; New York - Penguin books, 1986
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Spurling, Hilary
Elinor Fettiplace's receipt book - Elizabethan country house cooking / Hilary Spurling
New York - Viking Penguin, 1986
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Spurr, M. S.
Arable cultivation in roman Italy - c. 200 B.C.-c. A.D. 100 / M. S. Spurr
London - Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, 1986
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