Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1986 (4 di 4)

Pagina nr. 4345 di 4556       

Wardan, Habib
La gloire de Peter Pan ou Le récit du moine beur / Habib Wardan
Paris - Nouvelle cité, 1986
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Wardell, James Raymond
The essays of Christoph Martin Wieland- a contribution to the definition and history of the genre in its European context / James Raymond Wardell
Ann Arbor - UMI, 1986
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Wardhaugh, Ronald
An introduction to sociolinguistics / Ronald Wardhaugh
Oxford - Basil Blackwell, 1986
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Wardi, Charlotte
Le genocide dans la fiction romanesque - histoire et representation / Charlotte Wardi
Paris - PUF, 1986
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Wardwell, Allen
African sculpture - from the University museum, University of Pennsylvania / Allen Wardwell ; photography by Bobby Hansson
Philadelphia - Philadelphia museum of art, 1986
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Ware, Caroline F.
Vol. 6- The 20. Century / by Caroline F. Ware, K.M. Panikkar, J.M. Romein
Incluso in > History of mankind - cultural and scientific development series
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Wareing, Philip Frank
Growth and differentiation in plants / P. F. Wareing and I. D. J. Phillips
Oxford - Pergamon press, 1986
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Waringhien, Gaston
La Laguna - Régulo, 1956-
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Wark, Wesley K.
The ultimate enemy - British intelligence and Nazi Germany, 1933-1939 / Wesley K. Wark
Oxford - Oxford University, 1986
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Warland, Rainer
Das Brustbild Christi - Studien zur spatantiken und fruhbyzantinischen Bildgeschichte / Rainer Warland
Rom etc. - Herder, c1986
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Warlpiri lexicography group
Warlpiri-English dictionary - body-part section / Warlpiri lexicography group
Cambridge (Mass.) - Center for cognitive science. Massachusetts Institute of technology, 1986
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Warmels, Rein H.
HI properties of Spiral Galaxies in the Virgo Clusters / Rein H. Warmels
Groningen, Nl. - Universita' di Groningen, 1986
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Warmenbol, E.
2 vol. - La protohistoire et l'histoire / E.Warmenbol
Viroinval - Editions du centre d'etude et de documentation archeologiques, 1986
Incluso in > La region du viroin du temps des cavernes au temps des chateaux
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Warmuth, Manfred
Hafturlamb und -ausgang als Problem des Handelns - Inaugural-Dissertation ... / Manfred Warmuth
Berlin - Freie Universität Berlin, 1986
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Warner, Charles Dudley
My winter on the Nile / by Charles Dudley Warner
Leipzig - F. A. Brockhaus
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