Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1987 (4 di 4)

Pagina nr. 664 di 5135       

Goldstein, Arnold Paul
Aggressive behavior - assessment and intervention / Arnold P. Goldstein, Harold Keller
New York - Pergamon Press, 1987
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Goldstein, Harvey
Multilevel models in educational and social research / Harvey Goldstein
London - Charles Griffin & Company LTD ; New York - Oxford University Press, 1987
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Goldstein, Jan
Console and classify - the french psychiatric profession in the nineteenth century / Jan Goldstein
Cambridge etc. - Cambridge U.P., 1987
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Goldstein, Joseph
ÂThe Âexperience of insight - a simple and direct guide to buddhist meditation / Joseph Goldstein ; introduction by Ram Dass ; preface by Robert Hall
Boston etc. - Shambhala, 1987
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Goldstein, Larry J.
Calculus and its applications / Larry J. Goldstein, David C. Lay, David I. Schneider
Englewood Cliff (New Jersey) - Prentice - Hall, 1987
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Goldstein, Marcello
Guida al riconoscimento degli alberi d'Europa / Marcello Goldstein, Gualtiero Simonetti, Marta Watschinger ; con 200 disegni a colori di Aldo Ripamonti e Lino Simeoni
Milano - A. Mondadori, 1987
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Goldstein, Paulette
L' affranchissement des juifs au siecle des lumieres - Ph.D. City Un. of New York, 1987) / Paulette Goldstein
Ann Arbor - UMI, c1987
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Goldstein, William
Hello Again - original soundtrack / music by William Goldstein
(USA ) - Cinedisc, (1987)
Registrazione audio

Goldstick, Miles
Voices from Wollaston Lake - resistance against uranium mining and genocide in Northern Saskatchewan / Miles Goldstick
Vancouver - Earth Embassy, c1987
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Goldthorpe, John Ernest
Family life in Western societies - a historical sociology of family relationships in Britain and North America / J.E. Goldthorpe
Cambridge (etc. - Cambridge University Press, 1987
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Goldthorpe, John H.
Social mobility and class structure in modern Britain / John H. Goldthorpe ; in collaboration with Catriona Llewellyn and Clive Payne
2. ed. - Oxford - Clarendon press, 1987
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Goldthorpe, John H.
Social mobility and class structure in modern Britain / John H. Goldthorpe ; in collaboration with Catriona Llewellyn and Clive Payne
Oxford - Clar endon press, 1987
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Goldziher, Ignace
Le culte des saints chez les musulmans / par Ignace Goldziher
Francia - s.n., 1877
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Goleman, Daniel
Bugie, bugie / Daniel Goleman
(Milano - Frassinelli, (1987
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Goletti, Giovanni Battista
Notazioni in ordine all'applicabilita dell'art. 6 del T.U. della legge comunale e provinciale 3 marzo 1934, n. 383 agli atti amministrativi regionali, rapporti con l'art. 6 del t.u. delle leggi di P.S. 18 giugno 1931, n. 773 / Giovanni Battista Goletti
Sarzana - Santini, 1971
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