Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1987 (4 di 4)

Pagina nr. 4984 di 5135       

Willson, Moya
Occupational therapy in long-term psychiatry / Moya Willson
Edinburgh etc. - Churchill Livingstone, 1987
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Wilmanns, Wilhelm
Deutsche grammatik - gotisch, alt- mittel- und neuhochdeutsch / von W. Wilmanns
Strassburg - Karl J. Trubner, 1893-
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Wilmer, Diane
Night time / Diane Wilmer ; Nicola Smee
(London) - Collins, 1987
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Wilmer, Harry A.
Practical Jung - nuts and bolts of Jungian psychotherapy / Harry A. Wilmer
Wilmette, Ill. - Chiron, c1987
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Wilmot, Eric
Australia - the last experiment / Eric Wilmot
Sydney - Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 1987
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Wilmots, J.G.
1- De uitspraak van het Nederlands / J.G. Wilmots ; in samenwerking met P. Janota ... (ed altri)
Hilversum - Radio Nederland Wereldomroep, (1987?)
Incluso in > Gesproken Nederlands
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Wilms, Beatrix
Amatrices Ecclesiarum - Untersuchung zur Rolle und Funktion der Frauen in der Kirchereform des 12. Jarhunderts / Beatrix Wilms
Bochum - Brokmeyer, 1987
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Wilpert, Clara B.
Der Flug des Bumerang - 40000 Jahre Australier / a cura di Clara B. Wilpert
Hamburg - Hamburgischen Museum fur Volkerunde e H. Christians Verlag, 1987
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Wilrich, P.-Th
Formeln und tabellen der angewandten mathematischen statistik / P.-Th. Willrich, K. Stange, H.J. Henning, U. Graf
Berlin - Springer, 1987
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Wilshere, E. R.
Home management / compiler- E.R. Wilshere ; editors- G.M. Cochrane, E.R. Wilshere ; researcher- P.M. O'Brien
Oxford - Oxfordshire Health Authority, 1987
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Wilson, Andrew (ingegnere)
Solar system log / Andrew Wilson
London - Jane's, 1987
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Wilson, Angus
The collected stories / of Angus Wilson
London - Secker & Warburg, 1987
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Wilson, Angus
Reflections in a writer's eye - travel pieces / by Angus Wilson
Harmondsworth - Penguin books, 1987
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Wilson, Barbara A.
Rehabilitation of memory / Barbara A. Wilson ; foreword by Leonard Diller
New York - Guilford Press, c1987
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Wilson, Bob
Stanley bagshaw and the mafeking square cheese robbery
Harmondsworth - Puffin book, 1987
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