Pagina nr. 1723 di 2247 |
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International yearbook of education - vol. 29. 1967 / UNESCO Geneva - International bureau of education, 1968 Pubblicazione Periodica UNESCO International yearbook of education - vol. 31. 1969 / Unesco Geneva - International bureau of education, 1970 Pubblicazione Periodica UNESCO Rassegna quadrimestrale della Commissione Nazionale Italiana per l'UNESCO Roma - Commissione Nazionale Italiana UNESCO Pubblicazione Periodica UNESCO Reconversion du patrimoine architectural, applications a l'architecture industrielle - Bibliographie selective annotee / Unesco Paris - Unesco, 1988 Testo Monografico UNESCO World directory of national science policy-making bodies - Repertoire mondial d'organismes directeurs de la politique scientifique nationale Paris etc. - Hodgson, 1966- . Testo Monografico UNESCO - Division of statistics on education - Office of statistics Compendium of statistics on illiteracy / Division of statistics on education, Office of statistics Paris - Unesco, 1988 Testo Monografico Unesco - General Information Programme and Unisist The status of archivists in relation to other information professionals in the public service in Africa - a Ramp study / prepared by Jacques d'Orléans (per il) General Information Programme and Unisist (dell'Unesco) Paris - Unesco, 1985 Testo Monografico UNESCO - Institute for education Strategies d'apprentissage pour la postalphabetisation et l'education continue- une perspective trans-nationale - resultat d'un projet international / de l'Institut de l'Unesco pour l'Education organise en cooperation avec la Commission Allemande pour l'Unesco, BONN ; R.H.Dave, A.Ouane, D.A.Perera ; avec les contributions de A.Bordia, H.S.Bhola Hambourg - Institut de l'Unesco pour l'Education, c1988 Testo Monografico UNESCO - Social and human science documentation centre World directory of peace research and training istitutions = Repertoire mondiale des institutions de recherche et de formation sur la paix = Repertortorio mundiale de instituciones de investigacion y de formacion sobre la paz / prepared at UNESCO by the Social and human sciences documentation centre and the Division of human rights and peace Oxford (etc. - UNESCO, (©1988 Testo Monografico Unesco - Social and human sciences documentation centre Selective inventory of social science information and documentation services / prepared by the Unesco, Social and human sciences documentation centre Worcester - Berg-Unesco, c1988 Testo Monografico Unesco - Social and human sciences documentation centre World directory of peace research and training / prepared at the Unesco by the Social and human sciences documentation centre and the Division of human rights and peace Deddington - Berg ; Paris - Unesco, 1988 Testo Monografico UNESCO - the Social and Human Sciences Documentation Centre Directory of social science information courses = Repertoire des cours d'information dans les sciences sociales = Repertorio de cursos de informacion en ciencias sociales / UNESCO Oxford - Berg Publishers, 1988 Testo Monografico UNESCO - the Social and Human Sciences Documentation Centre World directory of human rights teaching and research institutions = Repertoire mondial des institutions de recherche et de formation sur les droits de l'homme = Repertorio mundial de instituciones de investigacion y de formacion en materia de derechos humanos / prepared at Unesco by the Social and human sciences documentation centre and the Division of human rights and peace Oxford - Berg ; Paris - UNESCO, (©1988 Testo Monografico Ungarelli, Aloisius Maria Bibliotheca scriptorum e congregatione clerr. regg. S. Paulli / curis D. Alois. Mariae Ungarelli sacerdotis ex eadem congregatione Romae - ex officina Josephi Salviucci, 1836- Testo Monografico Ungarelli, Luigi Corso elementare di geografia e statistica - per le classi tecniche, normali, ginnasiali e liceali / opera compilata dal sacedrdote Luigi dottor Ungarelli ed., riveduta ed ampliata Testo Monografico |