Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1988 (5 di 5)

Pagina nr. 2050 di 2247       

Wheatley, Phillis
The Collected works of Phillis Wheatley / Phillis Wheatley ; edited with an essay by John C. Shields
New York - Oxford University Press, 1988
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Wheeler, Everett L.
Stratagem and the vocabulary of military trickery / by Everett L. Wheeler
Leiden etc. - E. J. Brill, 1988
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Wheeler, Everett L.
Stratagem and the vocabulary of military trickery / by Everett L. Wheeler
Leiden - Brill, 1988
Incluso in > Mnemosyne - Bibliotheca classica Batava. Supplementum
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Wheeler, Helen Rippier
The bibliographic instruction-course handbook - a skill and concepts approach to the undergraduate, research methodology, credit course for college and university personnel / by Helen Rippier Wheeler
Metuchen ; London - The Scarecrow press, 1988
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Wheeler, Joseph C.
Coopération pour le developpement - efforts et politiques poursuivis par les membres du comité d'aide au developpement / Rapport de Joseph c. Wheeler
Paris - OCDE, 1988
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Wheeler, Rene
Fanfan la Tulipe / scenario originale Rene Wheeler et Rene Fallet
Paris - L'Avant-scene, 1988
Incluso in > L' avant-scene cinema
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Wheeler, Stanton
Sitting in judgment - the sentencing of white-collar criminals / Stanton Wheeler, Kenneth Mann, Austin Sarat
New Haven ; London - Yale Universty Press, c1988
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Wheeler, Steven
The book of cheescakes / Steven Wheeler ; photography by Paul Grater
Los Angeles - HPBooks, 1988
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Wheeler, Tony
Australia / Tony Wheeler
Milano - Moizzi, 1988
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Wheelock Roman, Jaime
Imperialismo e dittatura - crisi di una forma sociale / Jaime Wheelock Roman
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato ) - Litografica abbiatense, c1988
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Wheelock, Arthur K.
Jan Vermeer / text by Arthur K. Wheelock, jr
London - Thames and Hudson, 1988
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Wheldon, T. E.
Mathematical models in cancer research / T.E. Wheldon
Bristol ; Philadelphia - Adam Hilger, c1988
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Whieldon, Tony
Pesca in mare / Tony Whieldon ; introduzione di Russ Symons
Udine - C. Lorenzini, 1988
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Whieldon, Tony
Pesce bianco d'acqua dolce / Tony Whieldon ; introduzione di Jim Gibbinson
Udine - C. Lorenzini, 1988
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Whillock, David Everett
The fictive American Vietnam war film - a structural analysis of myth based on the theories of Claude Levi-Strauss / David Everett Whillock
Ann Arbor - University microfilms international, s1988
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