Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1989 (3 di 5)

Pagina nr. 4167 di 4667       

Ashbee, Ken H. G.
Fundamental principles of fiber reinforced composites / K. H. G. Ashbee
Lancaster ; Basel - Technomic, c1989
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Ashbery, John
Reported sightings - art chronicles, 1957-1987 / John Ashbery ; edited by David Bergman
New York - Alfred A. Knopp, 1989
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Ashbery, John
Reported sightings - art chronicles, 1957-1987 / John Ashbery ; edited by David Bergman
Manchester - Carcanet, 1989
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Ashburner, Michael
(1)- A laboratory handbook / Michael Ashburner
Cold Spring Harbor - Cold Spring Harbor laboratory press, 1989
Incluso in > Drosophila / Michael Ashburner
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Ashburner, Michael
(2)- A laboratory manual / Michael Ashburner
Cold Spring Harbor - Cold Spring Harbor laboratory press, 1989
Incluso in > Drosophila / Michael Ashburner
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Ashby, Hal
L' ultima corve / regia di Hal Ashby ; sceneggiatura di Robert Towne ; musica di Johnny Mandel. - Roma - RCA/Columbia Pictures video s.p.a., p1989. - 1 videocassetta (VHS) (ca. 99 min.) - col., son. (HiFi) ' Basato su un racconto di Darryl Ponicsan. - Interpreti- Jack Nicholson, Randy Quaid ... ed altri . - Produttore- Gereald Ayres. - Ripr. del film del 1973 prodotto da Columbia Pictures. - Doppiato in italiano. - Vietato ai minori di 14 anni. - NE- CVT 20076.

Ashby, Irving
Primal threat - an introduction to homophobology / Irving Ashby
(Ithaca) - Comstock, 1989
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Ashcraft, Richard
Locke's two treatises of government / Richard Ashcraft
London °etc. - Unwin Hyman, 1989
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Ashcraft, Richard
Politics as reflected in literature - papers presented at a Clark library seminar, 24 January 1987 / by Richard Ashcraft, Alan Roper
Los Angeles - William Andrews Clark Memorial library University of California, 1989
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Ashcroft, Bill
The empire writes back - theory and practice in post-colonial literatures / Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin
London ; New York - Routledge, 1989
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Ashe, Jeffrey
Credit for the poor - past activities and future directions for the United Nations development programme / Jeffrey Ashe, Christopher E. Cosslett
New York - United Nations Development Programme, copyr. 1989
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Ashe, Jenny
Il segreto di Meg / Jenny Ashe
Milano - Harlequin Mondadori, 1989
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Asher, Catherine Ella Blanshard
The patronage of Sher Shah Sur - a study of form and meaning in 16. century indo-islamic century architecture (vol. 1. and 2.) - University of Minnesota, 1984 / Catherine Ella Blanshard Asher
Ann Arbor - UMI, printed 1989
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Asher, Jane
Moppy est content / Texte de Jane Asher ; illustrations de Gerald Scarfe
Paris - Grund, 1989
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Asher, Mustafa
Die Geschichte der Türkischen Malerei / von Mustafa Asher ... (ed altri ; Schaubilder von Adnan Çoker ; mit einer Einführung von Oleg Grabar
Genève - Palasar, 1989
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