Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1990 (2 di 5)

Pagina nr. 3442 di 4667       

Methods for fish biology / edited by Carl B. Schreck and Peter B. Moyle
Bethesda - American fisheries society, 1990
Testo Monografico

1.2- Methods for preparing school enrolment, labour force and employment projections / United Nations, Department of international economic and social affairs
New York - United Nations, 1990
Incluso in > 1- Methods for comprehensive planning / Department of international economic and social affairs
Testo Monografico

Methods for the determination of organic compounds in drinking water. Supplemnt 1. / United States Environmental Protection Agency
Cincinnati - EPA, 1990
Testo Monografico

Methods in carbohydrate chemistry
New York (NY) - Academic Press, ©1962-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Methods in cartilage research / edited by A. Maroudas and K. Kuettner
London ; San Diego ; New York - Academic Press, 1990
Testo Monografico

Methods in cell biology
San Diego - Academic press, 1973-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Methods in cell physiology / edited by David M. Prescott
New York ; London - Academic press, 1964-
Testo Monografico

Methods in computational physics - advances in research and applications
New York - Academic Press, 1963-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Methods in enzymology
New York, N.Y. - Academic press, 1955-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Methods in free-radical chemistry
New York - M. Dekker, 1969-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Methods in gene technology / edited by Jeremy W. Dale, Peter G. Sanders
London - JAI press, 1991-
Testo Monografico

Methods in hormone research
Pubblicazione Periodica

Methods in immunology and immunochemistry
Pubblicazione Periodica

Methods in inositide research / editor Robin F. Irvine
New York - Raven Press, c1990
Testo Monografico

Methods in microbiology
London - Academic press, 1969/79
Testo Monografico