Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1990 (4 di 5)

Pagina nr. 4322 di 4667       

Kutateladze, Samson Semenovich
Heat transfer, mass transfer, and friction in turbulent boundary layers / S.S. Kutateladze, A.I.Leontiev
New York (etc.) - Hemisphere, 1990
Testo Monografico

Kutcher, Rosalyn
Genitourinary radiology - a multimodality approach / Rosalyn Kutcher, Everett M. Lautin ; forewords by Arthur D. Smith and Milton Elkin
New York - Gower ; Philadelphia - Lippincott, c1990
Testo Monografico

Kuteli, Mitrush
Vepra letrare / M. Kuteli
Tiranė - Naim Frashėri, 1990
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Kuthirakkattel, Scaria
The beginning of Jesus' ministry according to Mark's Gospel (1,14-3,6) - a redaction critical study / Scaria Kuthirakkattel
Roma - Pontificio istituto biblico, 1990
Testo Monografico

Kuti, Fela Anikulapo
Beasts of no nation / (Fela Anikulapo Kuti & Egypt 80)
Newton - Shanachie, p1990
Registrazione audio

Kutica, Guillermo
Guillermo Kutica / testo di Charles Merewether ; in collaborazione con Annina Nosei Gallery, New York
Roma - Gian Enzo Sperone, 1990
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Kutler, Stanley I.
Privilege and creative destruction - the Charles River Bridge case / Stanley I. Kutler
Baltimore ; London - The Johns Hopkins university, c1990
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Kutner, Peter B.
Common law in Southern Africa - conflict of laws and torts precedents / Peter B. Kutner
New York ; Westport ; London - Greenwood press, 1990
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Kutsch, Angelika
Silke - ragazzi alla ricerca di un avvenire / Angelika Kutsch ; traduzione e apparato didattico di Oretta Benedetti
Torino - Petrini, 1990
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Kutschera, Franz - von
Vernunft und Glaube / Franz von Kutschera
Berlin ; New York - Walter de Gruyter, 1990
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Kutschera, Peter
Bestandsschutz im Offentlichen Recht - zugleich ein Beitrag zur Dogmatik des Art. 14 GG / von Peter Kutschera
Heidelberg - Muller Juristischer, 1990
Testo Monografico

Kuttel Baudrocco, Mireille
Un balcon sur la mer - roman / Mireille Kuttel
Lausanne - L'age d'homme, 1990
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Kuttner, Fritz A.
The archaeology of music in Ancient China - 2000 years of acoustical experimentation, 1400 B.C.-A.D. 750 / Fritz A. Kuttner
New York - Paragon House, 1990
Testo Monografico

Kuttner, Stephan
Studies in the history of medieval canon law / Stephan Kuttner
Aldershot etc. - Ashgate - Variorum, c1990
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Kuttner, Stephan
Studies in the history of medieval comon law / Stephan Kuttner
Norfolk - Variorum, c1990
Testo Monografico